2. Spatial pre-processing

2.1 Realignment (spm_realign_ui.m)

Realignment of an image time-series of the same modality.


Specify (for fMRI only):

Select scans:

Clicking the *.img will select those images, clicking the preceding number (in white) will show individual scans. SPM displays the total number of selected scans (lower part of window).

Other options:


Coregister only: determines parameters used to realign to the first image in the selected series. For multiple sessions, the first scan of each session is realigned to the first scan of the first session; then the images within each session are realigned to the first scan of the session. Saves the transform parameters for each filename.img in filename.mat. Realignment parameters are saved for each session as realignment_params_*.txt, which can be used as a set of 6 covariates to regress out movement-related activations.


Reslice only: reslices and saves images using the transforms specified by *.mat files. Transforms filename.img using filename.mat and saves as rfilename.img.

*Coregister & Reslice (*=default): above steps combined. Saves transform parameters for filename.img in filename.mat. Reslices and saves images as rfilename.img.


Trilinear interpolation: uses trilinear interpolation to resample images.

Sinc interpolation (default): uses a truncated (kernel is 9x9x9 voxels) sinc interpolation. Slower than trilinear but more accurate; recommended for fMRI time-series.

Fourier space interpolation: added option also found in other packages (AIR). Performs rigid body rotations as shears in Fourier space (Eddy et al. 1996, MRM 36, 923-931). For isotropic voxels only.


All images (1-n): reslices all images including the first which is untransformed (i.e., SPM duplicates the first and saves it as rfirstimage).

Images 2-n: reslices all images except the first (useful when the first image has a different modality).

All images + Mean Image (default): reslices all images and creates a mean of all resliced images, which is saved as meanfilename.img.

Mean Image only: creates mean image only.


Specify (for fMRI only):

This removes interpolation errors arising from reslicing of the data by doing a regularised fit for motion-related variance and removes estimated variance from resliced images. However, if there is any motion-related variance that is correlated with the task, this option may remove variance of interest (i.e. true positives).

Output from spm_realign:

Display (shown here for a 12-scan PET study): spm_realign displays realignment parameters in graphic form. This display is written to the spm99.ps file in the working directory. This file can be viewed using a postscript reader package such as ghostview or pageview.

Files: the realigned images r*.img, r*.hdr, and the updated .mat files are written to the input file directory. The mean*.img and mean*.hdr are written to the input file directory for the first session. Realignment parameters are saved as realignment_params_*.txt to the input file directory for each session.

Customisations for realignment (optional):


From the 'Defaults' options (lower panel), select 'Realignment':






which refers to the density of voxel sampling for computation of realignment parameters. The quality improves with higher density, which is also more time-consuming.

2.2 Coregistration (spm_coreg_ui.m)

Between and within modality image coregistration.



Coregister only: determines parameters used to coregister to one image to another. This option saves the transform parameters filename.img in filename.mat.

Reslice only: reslices and saves images using the transforms specified by the *.mat files. Transforms filename.img using filename.mat and saves as rfilename.img.

*Coregister & Reslice (*=default): above steps combined. Saves transform parameters for filename.img in filename.mat. Reslices and saves images as rfilename.img.

FOR 'Coregister only' AND 'Coregister & Reslice':





Select (or press 'Done'):

The TARGET image is the image to which the OBJECT image is realigned. OTHER images (if any) are transformed in the same way as the OBJECT image.

For example, to realign a structural T1-MRI to a fMRI time-series:

To realign a sequence of PET-images to a structural T1-MRI:


FOR 'Reslice Only':


The space of this image (i.e. the space defined by the .mat file associated with this image) will be used to reslice the object image.


This image is the object image that will be resliced in the space of the previously selected image. The image will be resliced at the voxel size and origin of the previously selected image and will have the same space defined by the corresponding .mat file.

Output from spm_coregister:

Display: spm_coregister displays the coregistered images with the contours of the OBJECT image overlaid on both sets of images. This display is written to the spm99.ps file in the working directory. If OBJECT and TARGET image have different modalities, a segmentation is also carried out for both images. This is displayed as in spm_segment (see 2.6) and written to the spm99.ps file.

Files: the coregistered images rfilename.img and rfilename.hdr are written to the same directory as the input images if 'reslice' is specified. The current rfilename.mat files are updated.

Customisations for coregistration (optional):


From the 'Defaults' options (lower panel), select 'coregistration':


Specify (for default between-modality coregistration only):

2.3 Slice timing (spm_slice_timing.m)

Correction for differences in slice acquisition time.

This is only for fMRI. Corrects for differences in acquisition time between slices during sequential imaging (as in echo-planar imaging). It is especially relevant for event-related designs. This routine performs a phase shift, resulting in each time series having the values that would have been obtained had the slice been acquired at (for example) the beginning of each TR.





ascending (first slice = bottom; e.g. 1 2 3 ???..68)

descending (first slice = top; e.g. 68 67 66 ??..1)

interleaved (first slice = top; e.g. 68 66 64 ??2 67 65 63?.1)

user specified (e.g., other interleaved sequences; SPM will prompt for a vector specifying slice acquisition order, where the slices are numbered in Analyze format)


SPM will suggest the middle slice (in space) as the default (in the example above: slice 34). This is particularly useful for ascending/descending sequences because the phase shift interpolation tends to become less accurate with increasing shifts, and slices further away from the middle slice tend to be of less interest. When the regions of interest do lie in extreme (top or bottom) slices however, the reference slice may be chosen to correspond to these regions, so that interpolation artefacts are minimised (the signal in the reference slice itself is unchanged by the interpolation).




TR is defined as the time between the first slice of one scan and the first slice of the next scan; TA is the time between the first and the last slice within one scan. Without an interscan time delay, TA=TR-(TR/N), where N= number of slices (= default). When there is an interscan delay, TA must be adjusted.


Output from spm_slice_timing:

Files: afilename.hdr, afilename.img and afilename.mat files are written to the input file directory.

2.4 Normalisation (spm_sn3d.m)

Three-dimensional spatial normalisation of PET, SPECT and (f)MRI images to a standard space.

Normalisation consists of two steps: first the determination of an optimum 12-parameter (translations, rotations, zooms & shears) affine transformation (from an image to a template), followed by a nonlinear estimation of deformations. These parameters can be used to reslice other images coregistered to the image from which the parameters were determined.


Determine parameters only: determines parameters (linear and nonlinear) used to normalise image to a template. Saves normalisation parameters in filename_sn3d.mat.

Write normalised only: reslices and saves images using normalisation parameters specified by the selected sn3d.mat file. Applies parameters to filename.img (*.hdr, *.mat) and saves as nfilename.img (n*.hdr, n*.mat).

Determine parameters and write normalised (=default): the above steps combined. Saves normalisation parameters for filename.img in filename_sn3d.mat. Saves normalised images as nfilename.img (n*.hdr, n*.mat).




for example, a coregistered T1 structural image or a mean functional (PET or EPI) image.



The selected template image which should be the same modality (and have very similar contrast) as the image from which the parameters are to be determined.



Nearest neighbour: fast but not very accurate and therefore not usually recommended.

Bilinear (=default): recommended for fMRI images which have been resliced at the realignment stage, and PET.

Sinc interpolation: uses a modified sinc interpolation (9x9x9 voxels kernel); slowest, recommended for fMRI data which have not been resliced at the realignment stage.

Output from spm_sn3d:

Display: spm_sn3d displays the normalised image and the template. The display is written to the spm99.ps file in the working directory.

Files: the normalisation parameters filename_sn3d.mat are written to the same directory as the input image(s). The normalised images nfilename.img (n*.hdr, n*.mat) are written to the input directory if 'write normalised' is specified.

Customisations for normalisation (optional):


From the 'Defaults' options (lower panel), select 'Spatial Normalisation':


For changing Parameter Estimation defaults, specify:

enter these in the following order:

x translation (mm)

y translation (mm)

z translation (mm)

x rotation 'pitch' (radians)

y rotation 'roll' (radians)

z rotation 'yaw' (radians)

x scaling

y scaling

z scaling

x shear

y shear

z shear



If customised is selected, specify:

The default is 7x8x7 functions. A large number of functions will improve the quality of the normalisation provided the images do not contain gross lesions and/or have different contrasts compared to the template. More functions will be computationally slower, however.


The default is 12 iterations. Again, the more iterations the better the result, but memory demands will similarly increase.


Regularisation involves stabilising the estimation of the deformations by penalising large deformations. Heavy regularisation basically means that more weight is applied to the penalty term. Therefore, if the spatial normalisation introduces excessive warping that is clearly wrong, more regularisation is needed. Conversely, if the images do not get warped enough to match the template, the amount of regularisation needs to be decreased. The default is medium regularisation.


Masks template brain (1 1 1 1 .. for voxels within the brain, 0 0 0 0 .. for voxels outside the brain) in order to perform normalisation based on the shape of the brain instead of the skull. Not necessary when normalising a mean EPI image to the EPI template, in which case unmasked normalisation may give better results.


Similarly using 1 1 1 1 .. for voxels within the brain, 0 0 0 0 .. for voxels outside the brain. An object brain mask might be used e.g. to prevent an abnormal region (lesion) influencing the normalisation.

For changing Writing Normalised defaults, specify:

In mm distances (x y z) from the anterior commissure. When choosing 'Runtime option', SPM will prompt for bounding box dimensions during specification of the normalisation.


In mm (x y z):

2.5 Smooth (spm_smooth.m)

Three-dimensional convolution of an image with a Gaussian kernel.


Gaussian filter width. This can be a scalar (for isotropic voxels) or a vector of length 3 (sx sy sz) for anisotropic voxels. Suggested is 2-3 times the voxel size.



Spatial smoothing has three important objectives:

See also Matthew Brett's basic tutorial on smoothing at:


Output from spm_smooth:

Images are saved as sfilename.img (s*.hdr, s*.mat) in the same directory as the input files.

2.6 Segment (spm_segment.m)

Segments MRI-image(s) into grey and white matter, CSF, and other.



if more than one, they should be coregistered.


If not, specify:

to match with a template which will be used for affine normalisation of the image(s). This is required for probabilistic segmentation.


this option attempts to model intensity inhomogeneities using smooth basis functions.

If inhomogeneity correction is to be applied, specify:

Inhomogeneity-corrected images may be saved as corr_filename.img for inspection.

Output from spm_segment.m:

Display: spm_segment displays the segmentation results. This display is written to the spm.ps file in the working directory. N vox is the proportion of voxels belonging to each class, worked out from a subregion of the volume that encloses the brain.

Files: the segmented images are written as filename_seg1.img, filename_seg2.img, and filename_seg3.img for grey and white matter, and CSF. These images are saved to the input directory.