Revised July 1998 - One PDF per chapter

Statistical Issues
functional Brain Mapping

Andrew Peter Holmes

Submitted to the University of Glasgow,
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Department of Statistics, University of Glasgow.

Submitted December 1994.
Accepted unconditionally, March 1995.

©1994 Andrew Peter Holmes

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table of contents

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Ch0 (58Kb), Ch1 (526Kb),
Ch2 (2Mb), Ch3 (1.5Mb),
Ch4 (333Kb), Ch5 (267Kb),
Ch6 (1.2Mb), ChX (142Kb)

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Statistical Issues in functional Brain Mapping is a PhD thesis concentrating on the statistical analysis of functional mapping experiments, with particular attention to activation experiments using Positron Emission Tomography.

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The work presented in this thesis was undertaken under the supervision of Professor Ian Ford in the Department of Statistics at the University of Glasgow, with the sponsorship of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.


Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET), it is possible to obtain quantitative images of regional cerebral blood flow, indicative of regional neuronal activity. This is used to examine the function of the brain through designed experiments. The simplest such functional mapping experiment is the simple activation study, which aims to locate the brain loci responsible for a certain function, by scanning under two conditions differing only in that function. These studies generate small numbers of observations of extremely high dimension, each data point being a three-dimensional image. The statistical analysis of such data sets requires new statistical techniques for significance testing, and it is this problem which this thesis addresses.

Chapter 1 establishes the background to this work, giving a fairly comprehensive layman's description of PET and functional brain mapping.

In the absence of apriori information regarding the location of a particular function, analysis of activation experiments proceeds at the voxel (pixel) level. For each voxel a model must be assumed for the data, and a null hypothesis of "no activation" expressed in terms of the model parameters. An added complication is the presence of global differences in cerebral blood flow between subjects. Computation of a statistic indicating evidence against the null hypothesis at each voxel, gives a statistic image. Model selection and the formation of statistic images is the subject of chapter 2. Particular attention is given to the two most popular models, namely Friston's AnCova and that of the t-statistic formed from subject difference images, with global changes removed by proportional scaling. Problems of simultaneous model fitting and the dangers of assuming homoscedascity are considered.

The assessment of the statistic image presents a large multiple comparisons problem. Regions where the statistic image indicates evidence against the null hypothesis must be located, whilst maintaining strong control over familywise Type I error. The current methods for testing statistic images are discussed in detail in chapter 3, focusing on "random field" methods, their assumptions and properties.

In the remaining chapters, three methods developed by the author for assessing simple activation studies are presented. The first of these is a two-stage approach, in which the group of subjects is split into a pilot group and a study group. A small number of regions of interest are identified from the pilot group data, and the study group data assessed over these regions of interest. A simulation study shows this approach to hold some promise. In chapter 5, the testing problem is reformulated as an image segmentation problem, to which empirical Bayesian techniques from statistical image processing are applied. A Markov random field is used to convey prior belief regarding the contiguous nature of activated areas. Here simulation results indicate that the incorporation of prior belief into a single threshold test results in a more conservative (and less powerful) test.

The subject of the last chapter (Ch.6), is a non-parametric approach. A multiple comparisons randomisation test is developed for simple activation studies, which is shown to maintain strong control over familywise Type I error. A step- down procedure with strong control is introduced, and computationally feasible algorithms presented. The methods are illustrated on a real PET data set, with a pseudo t-statistic formed from subject difference images with a smoothed variance estimate. For the given data set the approach is found to outperform many of the parametric methods, particularly with the pseudo t-statistic. This, together with the flexibility and guaranteed validity of a non-parametric method, makes the approach very attractive, despite the computational burden imposed. The practicalities of the method are discussed, including extensions to other experimental paradigms, other test statistics, and permutation tests.

This is an applied thesis, aimed at the statistically literate PET researcher. In addition to presenting the author's ideas, it is hoped that this document provides a useful summary and comprehensive critique of existing work, giving enough detail to serve as a useful reference.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References

Front matter

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References

Introduction: Mind and Brain

Pages 1-4

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References

Chapter 1: PET Background

Pages 5-47
(p48 is a blank verso)

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References

Chapter 2: Statistic Images

Pages 49-94
(p82 is a blank verso)

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References

Chapter 3: Current Methods for Testing Statistic Images

Pages 95-141
(p142 is a blank verso)

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References

Chapter 4: Two Stage Testing

Pages 143-162

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References

Chapter 5: An Empirical Bayesian Approach

Pages 163-179
(p180 is a blank verso)

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References

Chapter 6: A Non-Parametric Approach

Pages 181-207
(p208 is a blank verso)

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References


Pages 209-227
(p228 is a blank verso)

Table of Contents : Front | Introduction | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Appendices | References


Pages 229-239

Thesis Acrobat files

The thesis is avaliable as Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files, each named according to the chapter represented. These files are linked into the following table of contents. A UNIX tar file containing all the PDF files is available by anonyous FTP from (6Mb).

The files were prepared using Microsoft Word for Windows (v2.0a), and printed for A4 paper using Windows PostScript driver (MS & Aldus, V3.58). These PostScript files were then converted to PDFs using Acrobat Distiller (v2.0), then merged and optimised using Acrobat Exchange (v3.0)
Chapter "0"Front matter & Introduction
download: ch0.pdf (58Kb)
Chapter 1: PET Background
download: ch1.pdf (526Kb)
Chapter 2: Statistic Images
download: ch2.pdf (2Mb)
Chapter 3: Current Methods for Testing Statistic Images
download: ch3.pdf (1.5Mb)
Chapter 4: Two Stage Tes
download: ch4.pdf (333Kb)
Chapter 5: An Empirical Bayesian Approach
download: ch5.pdf (267Kb)
Chapter 6: A Non-Parametric Approach
download: ch6.pdf (1.2Mb)
Chapter "X": Appendices & References
download: chx.pdf (142Kb)
UNIX tar archive of all thesis PDF files...
download: APHthesis.tar (6Mb)