1. Getting started

For start-up from Matlab, type spm.

Select from:

PET and SPECT (or enter spm pet)

Studies are considered as a series of independent scans

fMRI (or enter spm fmri)

Studies are considered as a temporally correlated time-series


About SPM

SPM'99 information


Link to the SPM-pages of the Wellcome Dept of Imaging Neuroscience website (http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm)


Exits SPM, closes windows and clears workspace variables


The SPM graphical user interface

The SPM graphical user interface (shown above) is divided into three panels: the upper for spatial pre-processing of data, the middle for model specification/estimation and statistical inference, and the lower for general utilities (shown above for fMRI).

Spatial pre-processing functions are:

Realign: realignment of functional time-series

Coregister: Coregistration of same modality and multi-modality image volumes

Slice timing: Adjustment for timing differences in multi-slice image acquisition (fMRI)

Normalize: Spatial normalisation of image volumes to a template

Smooth: Convolution of image volume with a Gaussian kernel

Segment: Segmentation of MRI volume(s) into CSF, grey and white matter

Model specification & parameter estimation:

fMRI and PET/SPECT models: set-up of modality-specific models

Basic models: basic statistical models for independent data

Explore design: review a previously specified model

Estimate: estimation of a previously specified model and configuration

Statistical inference:

Results: analysis and display of regional effects

The lower panel includes miscellaneous and general utility functions.