
By members and collaborators of the Functional Imaging Laboratory


Publications of year 2016

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Rick Adams, Markus Bauer, Dimitris Pinotsis, and K.J. Friston. Dynamic causal modelling of pursuit eye movements: a physiological validation with MEG. NeuroImage, 132:175-189, 2016. [doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.02.055] Keyword(s): DCM.
    @Article{ Adams2016,
    author = {Rick Adams and Markus Bauer and Dimitris Pinotsis and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Dynamic causal modelling of pursuit eye movements: a physiological validation with {MEG}},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    volume = {132},
    number = {},
    pages = {175--189},
    year = {2016},
    doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.02.055},
    url = {},
    keywords = {DCM} 

  2. Dimitris Pinotsis, J.P. Geerts, L. Pinto, T.H.B. FitzGerald, V. Litvak, R. Auksztulewicz, and K.J. Friston. Linking canonical microcircuits and neuronal activity: Dynamic Causal Modelling of Laminar Recordings. NeuroImage, 2016. [doi:j.neuroimage.2016.11.041]
    @Article{ Pinotsis2016c,
    author = {Dimitris Pinotsis and J.P. Geerts and L. Pinto and T.H.B. FitzGerald and V. Litvak and R. Auksztulewicz and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Linking canonical microcircuits and neuronal activity: Dynamic Causal Modelling of Laminar Recordings},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    volume = {},
    number = {},
    pages = {},
    year = {2016},
    doi = {j.neuroimage.2016.11.041},
    url = {},
    keywords = {} 

  3. Dimitris Pinotsis, R. Loonis, A. Bastos, E.K. Miller, and K.J. Friston. Bayesian modelling of induced responses and neuronal rhythms. Brain Topography, 2016. [doi:10.1007/s10548-016-0526-y]
    @Article{ Pinotsis2016b,
    author = {Dimitris Pinotsis and R. Loonis and A. Bastos and E.K. Miller and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Bayesian modelling of induced responses and neuronal rhythms},
    journal = {Brain Topography},
    volume = {},
    number = {},
    pages = {},
    year = {2016},
    doi = {10.1007/s10548-016-0526-y},
    url = {},
    keywords = {} 

  4. Dimitris Pinotsis, G. Perry, V. Litvak, K. Singh, and K.J. Friston. Intersubject variability of induced gamma in the visual cortex: DCM with empirical Bayes and neural fields. Human Brain Mapping, 2016. [doi:10.1002/hbm.23331] Keyword(s): DCM.
    @Article{ Pinotsis2016a,
    author = {Dimitris Pinotsis and G. Perry and V. Litvak and K. Singh and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Intersubject variability of induced gamma in the visual cortex: {DCM} with empirical Bayes and neural fields},
    journal = {{H}uman {B}rain {M}apping},
    volume = {},
    number = {},
    pages = {},
    year = {2016},
    doi = {10.1002/hbm.23331},
    url = {},
    keywords = {DCM} 

Internal reports

  1. G. Flandin and K.J. Friston. Analysis of family-wise error rates in statistical parametric mapping using random field theory. Technical report, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, 2016. [WWW] [PDF] Keyword(s): RFT.
    @TechReport{ Flandin2016,
    author = {G. Flandin and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Analysis of family-wise error rates in statistical parametric mapping using random field theory},
    institution = {Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging},
    year = {2016},
    pdf = {http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/doc/papers/rr_random_field_theory_2016.pdf},
    keyword = {RFT},
    url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.08199} 



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Last modified: Wed Nov 22 15:33:41 2023
Author: spm.

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