
By members and collaborators of the Functional Imaging Laboratory

Discussion List


The SPM discussion list is an electronic mailing list for discussion and help with the methodology, implementation and use of Statistical Parametric Mapping and the SPM package. The list is not moderated, but is monitored and owned by members of the Functional Imaging Laboratory.

Much of the approach and use of SPM is described in the documentation. Subscribers are urged to consult these sources, and any local expertise, before using the discussion list as a helpline. A response from one of the SPM authors cannot be guaranteed, due to resource limitations. Experienced list members are therefore encouraged to address issues within their experience, posting their responses and discussion to the list for general enlightenment.


The list is run at the UK's automated JISCmail service.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the SPM list:
Enter your details at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=spm&A=1
To send a message to all the people currently subscribed to the SPM list:
Just send an email to <spm@jiscmail.ac.uk> after subscription.

If you have difficulties, then have a look to the frequently asked questions about JISCmail or email the list owner at <fil.spm@ucl.ac.uk>, for assistance.