Our goal is to nurture and promote the careers of the next generation of neuroimaging researchers and clinicians, providing them with interdisciplinary skills in a culture of responsible, open and inclusive science.
Our trainees range from students (PhD and MSc) to professors and clinicians.
Student training
It is essential that the next-generation of researchers are methodological neuroscientists, highly skilled in technical development and neuroscientific methods, and confident in conducting collaborative, cross-disciplinary projects. To support this, we provide:
- Leadership and learning opportunities
- Weekly group and one-to-one meetings
- Methods for dummies courses
- Mentoring from early career researchers
- Public engagement and entrepreneurship opportunities
- Regular progress assessments
- Career advice
- Welfare support
Wider training
To support our in-house staff and widespread collaborators, we provide:
- Continual professional development for all staff
- Attendance support at conferences
- Research and organisation training for intermediate PIs
- Neuroimaging lectures and courses for local, national and international researchers
- Engaging and interactive experiences for under-represented groups
- Weekly methods and neuroscience seminars
- Problem-solving methods clinics
If you are interested in finding out more about training/educational opportunities, explore the links to UCL Neuroscience and UCL Institute of Neurology Education Unit or contact a Centre Principal Investigator directly.
For A-Level Students looking for Prof. Eleanor Maguire’s resources click here.