Publications of O. Josephs
Articles in journal, book chapters
- M.J. Rosa, J. Kilner, F. Blankenburg, O. Josephs, and W.D. Penny. Estimating the transfer function from neuronal activity to BOLD using simultaneous EEG-fMRI. NeuroImage, 2009. [doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.09.011] [bibtex-entry]
- C. Hutton, A. Bork, O. Josephs, R. Deichmann, J. Ashburner, and R. Turner. Image distortion correction in fMRI: A quantitative evaluation. NeuroImage, 16:217-240, 2002. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, O. Josephs, E. Zarahn, A.P. Holmes, S. Rouquette, and J.B. Poline. To Smooth or Not to Smooth? Bias and Efficiency in fMRI Time-Series Analysis. NeuroImage, 12:196-208, 2000. [PDF] Keyword(s): fMRI, autocorrelation, nonsphericity. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, E. Zarahn, O. Josephs, R.N.A. Henson, and A.M. Dale. Stochastic designs in event-related fMRI. NeuroImage, 10:607-619, 1999. [PDF] Keyword(s): event-related, fMRI, design. [bibtex-entry]
- O. Josephs and R.N.A. Henson. Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging: modelling, inference and optimization. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London B, 354:1215-1228, 1999. Keyword(s): event-related, fMRI, design. [bibtex-entry]
- C.J. Price, D.J. Veltman, J. Ashburner, O. Josephs, and K.J. Friston. The critical relationship between the timing of the stimulus presentation and data acquisition in blocked designs with fMRI. NeuroImage, 10:36-44, 1999. [doi:10.1006/nimg.1999.0447] Keyword(s): fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- C. Buchel, O. Josephs, G. Rees, R. Turner, and C. FrithK.J. Friston. The functional anatomy of attention to visual motion. A functional MRI study. Brain, 121:1281-1294, 1998. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, P. Fletcher, O. Josephs, A.P. Holmes, M.D. Rugg, and R. Turner. Event-related fMRI: characterizing differential responses. NeuroImage, 7:30-40, 1998. [PDF] Keyword(s): event-related, fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, O. Josephs, G. Rees, and R. Turner. Non-linear event-related responses in fMRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 39:41-52, 1998. Keyword(s): nonlinear, event-related, fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- O. Josephs, R. Turner, and K.J. Friston. Event-related fMRI. Human Brain Mapping, 5:243-248, 1997. [PDF] Keyword(s): event-related, fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
Conference articles
- R.N.A. Henson, C. Buchel, O. Josephs, and K.J. Friston. The slice-timing problem in event-related fMRI. In NeuroImage, volume 9, pages 125, 1999. [PDF] Keyword(s): fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
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