
By members and collaborators of the Functional Imaging Laboratory


Publications of year 2002

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. K.J. Friston. Bayesian Estimation of Dynamical Systems: An Application to fMRI. NeuroImage, 16:513-530, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): dynamical, Bayesian, fMRI.
    @Article{ hdm,
    author = {K.J. Friston},
    title = {Bayesian Estimation of Dynamical Systems: {A}n Application to f{MRI}},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {16},
    pages = {513--530},
    keyword = {dynamical,Bayesian,fMRI},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/karl_bayes_dyn.pdf} 

  2. K.J. Friston, D.E. Glaser, R.N.A. Henson, S.J. Kiebel, C. Phillips, and J. Ashburner. Classical and Bayesian Inference in Neuroimaging: Applications. NeuroImage, 16:484-512, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): Bayesian, fMRI, PPM.
    @Article{ peb2,
    author = {K.J. Friston and D.E. Glaser and R.N.A. Henson and S.J. Kiebel and C. Phillips and J. Ashburner},
    title = {Classical and {B}ayesian Inference in Neuroimaging: Applications},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    volume = {16},
    pages = {484--512},
    year = {2002},
    keyword = {Bayesian, fMRI, PPM},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/karl_peb_app.pdf} 

  3. K.J. Friston, W.D. Penny, C. Phillips, S.J. Kiebel, G. Hinton, and J. Ashburner. Classical and Bayesian Inference in Neuroimaging: Theory. NeuroImage, 16:465-483, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): Bayesian, PPM, EM, REML.
    @Article{ peb1,
    author = {K.J. Friston and W.D. Penny and C. Phillips and S.J. Kiebel and G. Hinton and J. Ashburner},
    title = {Classical and {Bayesian} Inference in Neuroimaging: Theory},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    volume = {16},
    pages = {465--483},
    year = {2002},
    keyword = {Bayesian,PPM,EM,REML},
    pdf = {http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/~wpenny/publications/bayes1.pdf} 

  4. C.R. Genovese, N. Lazar, and T.E. Nichols. Thresholding of Statistical Maps in Functional Neuroimaging Using the False Discovery Rate. NeuroImage, pp 870-878, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): FDR.
    @Article{ tom_FDR,
    author = {C.R. Genovese and N. Lazar and T.E. Nichols},
    title = {Thresholding of Statistical Maps in Functional Neuroimaging Using the False Discovery Rate},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    pages = {870--878},
    keyword = {FDR},
    pdf = { /spm/doc/papers/GLN.pdf } 

  5. C. Good, R. Scahill, N.C. Fox, J. Ashburner, K.J. Friston, D. Chan, W.R. Crum, M.N. Rossor, and R.S.J. Frackowiak. Automatic Differentiation of Anatomical Patterns in the Human Brain: Validation with Studies of Degenerative Dementias. NeuroImage, 17(1):29-46, 2002. [doi:10.1006/nimg.2002.1202] Keyword(s): mri.
    @Article{ good_patterns,
    author = {C. Good and R. Scahill and N.C. Fox and J. Ashburner and K.J. Friston and D. Chan and W.R. Crum and M.N. Rossor and R.S.J. Frackowiak},
    title = {Automatic Differentiation of Anatomical Patterns in the Human Brain: Validation with Studies of Degenerative Dementias},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {17},
    number = {1},
    pages = {29--46},
    doi = {10.1006/nimg.2002.1202},
    keyword = {mri} 

  6. R.N.A. Henson, C.J. Price, M.D. Rugg, R. Turner, and K.J. Friston. Detecting latency differences in event-related BOLD responses: application to words versus non-words and initial versus repeated face presentations. NeuroImage, 15(1):83-97, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): fMRI, event-related.
    @Article{ rnah_latency,
    author = {R.N.A. Henson and C.J. Price and M.D. Rugg and R. Turner and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Detecting latency differences in event-related BOLD responses: application to words versus non-words and initial versus repeated face presentations},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {15},
    number = {1},
    pages = {83-97},
    keyword = {fMRI, event-related},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/rnah_latency.pdf} 

  7. R.N.A. Henson, T. Shallice, M.L. Gorno-Tempini, and R. Dolan. Face repetition effects in implicit and explicit memory tests as measured by fMRI. Cerebral Cortex, 12:178-186, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): fMRI.
    @Article{ rnah_face_rep,
    author = {R.N.A. Henson and T. Shallice and M.L. Gorno-Tempini and R. Dolan},
    title = {Face repetition effects in implicit and explicit memory tests as measured by f{MRI}},
    journal = {Cerebral Cortex},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {12},
    pages = {178--186},
    keyword = {fMRI},
    pdf = { /spm/doc/papers/rnah_face_rep.pdf } 

  8. C. Hutton, A. Bork, O. Josephs, R. Deichmann, J. Ashburner, and R. Turner. Image distortion correction in fMRI: A quantitative evaluation. NeuroImage, 16:217-240, 2002.
    @Article{ chloe_distortion,
    author = {C. Hutton and A. Bork and O. Josephs and R. Deichmann and J. Ashburner and R. Turner},
    title = {Image distortion correction in {fMRI}: A quantitative evaluation},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    volume = {16},
    pages = {217--240},
    year = {2002} 

  9. S.J. Kiebel and K.J. Friston. Anatomically informed basis functions in multisubject studies. Human Brain Mapping, 16(1):36-46, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): smoothness, spatial, group.
    @Article{ sjk_aibf_multi,
    author = {S.J. Kiebel and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Anatomically informed basis functions in multisubject studies},
    journal = {{H}uman {B}rain {M}apping},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {16},
    number = {1},
    pages = {36-46},
    keyword = {smoothness,spatial,group},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/sjk_aibf_multi.pdf} 

  10. A. Mechelli, W.D. Penny, C.J. Price, D.R. Gitelman, and K.J. Friston. Effective connectivity and intersubject variability: using a multisubject network to test differences and commonalities. NeuroImage, 17(3):1459-1469, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): connectivity, group.
    @Article{ am_sem,
    author = {A. Mechelli and W.D. Penny and C.J. Price and D.R. Gitelman and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Effective connectivity and intersubject variability: using a multisubject network to test differences and commonalities},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {17},
    number = {3},
    pages = {1459-1469},
    keyword = {connectivity,group},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/am_sem.pdf} 

  11. T.E. Nichols and A.P. Holmes. Nonparametric Permutation Tests for Functional Neuroimaging: A Primer with Examples. Human Brain Mapping, 15:1-25, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): nonparametric.
    @Article{ tom_nonpar,
    author = {T.E. Nichols and A.P. Holmes},
    title = {Nonparametric Permutation Tests for Functional Neuroimaging: {A} Primer with Examples},
    journal = {{H}uman {B}rain {M}apping},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {15},
    pages = {1-25},
    keyword = {nonparametric},
    pdf = { /spm/doc/papers/NicholsHolmes.pdf } 

  12. T.E. Nichols, J. Qi, A. Asma, and R.L. Leahy. Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of List Mode PET Data. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 21:396-404, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): PET.
    @Article{ tom_PET,
    author = {T.E. Nichols and J. Qi and A. Asma and R.L. Leahy},
    title = {Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of List Mode {PET} Data},
    journal = {{IEEE} {T}ransactions on {M}edical {I}maging},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {21},
    pages = {396--404},
    keyword = {PET},
    pdf = { /spm/doc/papers/NicholsQiAsmaLeahy.pdf } 

  13. C. Phillips, M.D. Rugg, and K.J. Friston. Anatomically Informed Basis Functions for EEG Source Localisation: Combining Functional and Anatomical Constraints. NeuroImage, 16(3):678-695, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): spatial, MRI, EEG.
    @Article{ phillips_aibf,
    author = {C. Phillips and M.D. Rugg and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Anatomically {I}nformed {B}asis {F}unctions for {EEG} {S}ource {L}ocalisation: {C}ombining {F}unctional and {A}natomical {C}onstraints},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {16},
    number = {3},
    pages = {678--695},
    keyword = {spatial,MRI,EEG},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/cp_aibf.pdf} 

  14. C. Phillips, M.D. Rugg, and K.J. Friston. Systematic Regularization of Linear Inverse Solutions of the EEG Source Localisation Problem. NeuroImage, 17(1):287-301, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): EEG, spatial.
    @Article{ phillips_peb,
    author = {C. Phillips and M.D. Rugg and K.J. Friston},
    title = {Systematic Regularization of Linear Inverse Solutions of the {EEG} Source Localisation Problem},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {17},
    number = {1},
    pages = {287--301},
    keyword = {EEG,spatial},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/cp_reg.pdf} 

  15. C.H. Salmond, J. Ashburner, F. Vargha-Khadem, A. Connelly, D. G. Gadian, and K.J. Friston. The precision of anatomical normalisation in the medial temporal lobe using spatial basis functions. NeuroImage, 17(1):507-512, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): spatial.
    @Article{ salmond_precision,
    author = {C.H. Salmond and J. Ashburner and F. Vargha-Khadem and A. Connelly and D. G. Gadian and K.J. Friston},
    title = {The precision of anatomical normalisation in the medial temporal lobe using spatial basis functions},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {17},
    number = {1},
    pages = {507-512},
    keyword = {spatial},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/salmond_precision.pdf} 

  16. C.H. Salmond, J. Ashburner, F. Vargha-Khadem, A. Connelly, and D. G. Gadian andK.J. Friston. The precision of anatomical normalisation in the medial temporal lobe using spatial basis functions. NeuroImage, 17(1):507-512, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): spatial.
    @Article{ salmond_dist,
    author = {C.H. Salmond and J. Ashburner and F. Vargha-Khadem and A. Connelly and D. G. Gadian andK.J. Friston},
    title = {The precision of anatomical normalisation in the medial temporal lobe using spatial basis functions},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {17},
    number = {1},
    pages = {507-512},
    keyword = {spatial},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/salmond_dist.pdf} 

  17. D. Veltman, A. Mechelli, K.J. Friston, and C.J. Price. The importance of distributed sampling in blocked functional magnetic resonance imaging designs. NeuroImage, 17(3):1203-1206, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): design, event-related, fMRI.
    @Article{ velt_sampling,
    author = {D. Veltman and A. Mechelli and K.J. Friston and C.J. Price},
    title = {The importance of distributed sampling in blocked functional magnetic resonance imaging designs},
    journal = {{N}euro{I}mage},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {17},
    number = {3},
    pages = {1203-1206},
    keyword = {design,event-related,fMRI},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/velt_sampling.pdf} 

Conference articles

  1. K.J. Friston and W.D. Penny. Bayesian Inference and Posterior Probability Maps. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'02), pages 413-417, 2002. Keyword(s): PPM.
    @InProceedings{ karl_ppm_conf,
    author = {K.J. Friston and W.D. Penny},
    title = {Bayesian Inference and Posterior Probability Maps},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'02)},
    year = {2002},
    pages = {413-417},
    keyword = {PPM} 

Internal reports

  1. K.J. Friston. A short history of statistical parametric mapping in functional neuroimaging. Technical report, Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, ION, UCL, 2002. [WWW] [PDF] Keyword(s): introduction.
    @TechReport{ karl_history,
    author = {K.J. Friston},
    title = {A short history of statistical parametric mapping in functional neuroimaging},
    institution = {Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, ION, UCL},
    year = {2002},
    pdf = {/spm/doc/papers/History.pdf},
    url = {/spm/doc/history.html},
    keyword = {introduction} 

  2. W.D. Penny. Wavelet smoothing of fMRI activation images. Technical report, Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, ION, UCL, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): fMRI, spatial.
    @TechReport{ penny_wavelet,
    author = {W.D. Penny},
    title = {Wavelet smoothing of f{MRI} activation images},
    institution = {Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, ION, UCL},
    year = {2002},
    pdf = {http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/~wpenny/publications/wave.pdf},
    keyword = {fMRI,spatial} 



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Last modified: Wed Nov 22 15:33:41 2023
Author: spm.

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