Publications about 'design'
Articles in journal, book chapters
- J. Daunizeau, K. Preuschoff, K.J. Friston, and K.E. Stephan. Optimizing experimental design for comparing models of brain function. PLoS Comp. Biol., 7(11):e1002280, 2011. [doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002280] Keyword(s): DCM. [bibtex-entry]
- A. Mechelli, R.N.A. Henson, C.J. Price, and K.J. Friston. Comparing event-related and epoch analysis in blocked design fMRI. NeuroImage, 18(3):806-810, 2003. [PDF] [doi:10.1016/S1053-8119(02)00027-7] Keyword(s): design, event-related, fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- A. Mechelli, C.J. Price, R.N.A. Henson, and K.J. Friston. Estimating efficiency a priori: a comparison of blocked and randomized designs. NeuroImage, 18(3):798-805, 2003. [PDF] [doi:10.1016/S1053-8119(02)00040-X] Keyword(s): design, event-related, fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- T.D. Wager and T.E. Nichols. Optimization of Experimental Design in fMRI: A General Framework Using a Genetic Algorithm. NeuroImage, 18:293-209, 2003. [PDF] Keyword(s): design. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston. Introduction: Experimental design and statistical parametric mapping. In R.S.J. Frackowiak, K.J. Friston, C. Frith, R. Dolan, K.J. Friston, C.J. Price, S. Zeki, J. Ashburner, and W.D. Penny, editors, Human Brain Function. Academic Press, 2nd edition, 2003. [PDF] Keyword(s): GLM, introduction. [bibtex-entry]
- D. Veltman, A. Mechelli, K.J. Friston, and C.J. Price. The importance of distributed sampling in blocked functional magnetic resonance imaging designs. NeuroImage, 17(3):1203-1206, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): design, event-related, fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston. Experimental Design and Statistical Issues. In Brain Mapping: The Disorders, pages 33-58. Academic Press, 2000. Keyword(s): design, GLM. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, A.P. Holmes, and K.J. Worsley. How Many subjects constitute a study ?. NeuroImage, 10:1-5, 1999. [PDF] Keyword(s): group, design. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, E. Zarahn, O. Josephs, R.N.A. Henson, and A.M. Dale. Stochastic designs in event-related fMRI. NeuroImage, 10:607-619, 1999. [PDF] Keyword(s): event-related, fMRI, design. [bibtex-entry]
- O. Josephs and R.N.A. Henson. Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging: modelling, inference and optimization. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London B, 354:1215-1228, 1999. Keyword(s): event-related, fMRI, design. [bibtex-entry]
- C.J. Price, D.J. Veltman, J. Ashburner, O. Josephs, and K.J. Friston. The critical relationship between the timing of the stimulus presentation and data acquisition in blocked designs with fMRI. NeuroImage, 10:36-44, 1999. [doi:10.1006/nimg.1999.0447] Keyword(s): fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, C.J. Price, and C. Buchel. Designing Activation Experiments.. In B. Gulyas and H.W. Miller-Gartner, editors, Positron Emission Tomography: A Critical Assessment of Recent Trends. Kluwer Academic, 1998. Keyword(s): design, introduction. [bibtex-entry]
- C.J. Price and K.J. Friston. Cognitive Conjunction: A New Approach to Brain Activation Experiments. NeuroImage, 5:261-270, 1997. [PDF] Keyword(s): conjunction, design. [bibtex-entry]
- C.J. Price, C.J. Moore, and K.J. Friston. Subtractions, conjunctions, and interactions in experimental design of activation studies. Human Brain Mapping, 5(4):264-272, 1997. [PDF] Keyword(s): design, conjunction, introduction. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston. Analyzing brain images: Principles and overview. In R.S.J. Frackowiak, K.J. Friston, C. Frith, R. Dolan, and J.C. Mazziotta, editors, Human Brain Function, pages 25-41. Academic Press USA, 1997. [PDF] Keyword(s): introduction, design. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, C.J. Price, C. Buchel, and R.S.J. Frackowiak. A Taxonomy of Study Design. In R.S.J. Frackowiak, K.J. Friston, C. Frith, R. Dolan, and J.C. Mazziotta, editors, Human Brain Function, pages 141-159. Academic Press USA, 1997. [PDF] Keyword(s): design, introduction. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston, C.J. Price, P. Fletcher, C. Moore, and R.S.J. Frackowiak, and R. Dolan. The trouble with cognitive subtraction. NeuroImage, 4:97-104, 1996. [PDF] Keyword(s): design, introduction. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston. Statistical Parametric Mapping: Ontology and Current Issues. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 15:361-370, 1995. Keyword(s): introduction, design. [bibtex-entry]
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