Conference articles
- C. Maumet, T.E. Nichols, N. Nichols, G. Flandin, J. Turner, K.G. Helmer, J. Steffener, J.B. Poline, S. Ghosh, and D. Keator. Extending NI-DM to share the results and provenance of a neuroimaging study: an example with SPM. In 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014. [bibtex-entry]
- C. Chu, D.A. Handwerker, P.A. Bandettini, and J. Ashburner. Measuring the Consistency of Global Functional Connectivity Using Kernel Regression Methods. In Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI), 2011 International Workshop on, pages 41-44, 2011. [bibtex-entry]
- R. Moran, K.E. Stephan, F. Jung, R. Graf, R. Dolan, K.J. Friston, and M. Tittgemeyer. DCM for Steady State Responses: a case study of anaesthesia dept. In Proc Soc for Neuroscience, 2009. [bibtex-entry]
- R.N.A. Henson, S.J. Kiebel, J. Kilner, K.J. Friston, A. Hillebrand, G. Rees, and K.D. Singh. Time-frequency SPMs for MEG data on face perception: power changes and phase-locking. In International Conference on Human Brain Mapping, 2005. [PDF] Keyword(s): MEG. [bibtex-entry]
- R.N.A. Henson, J. Mattout, K.J. Friston, S.Hassel, A. Hillebrand, G. Rees, and K.D. Singh. Distributed source localisation of the M170 using multiple constraints. In International Conference on Human Brain Mapping, 2005. [PDF] Keyword(s): MEG. [bibtex-entry]
- W.D. Penny and G. Flandin. Bayesian analysis of fMRI data with spatial priors. In Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Section on Statistical Graphics [CDROM], 2005. Note: Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.[PDF] Keyword(s): PPM, Bayesian, fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- C. Hutton, R. Deichmann, R. Turner, and J. L. R. Andersson. Combined correction for geometric distortion and its interaction with head motion in fMRI. In Proc. ISMRM 12, Kyoto, Japan, 2004. [bibtex-entry]
- K.J. Friston and W.D. Penny. Bayesian Inference and Posterior Probability Maps. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'02), pages 413-417, 2002. Keyword(s): PPM. [bibtex-entry]
- R.N.A. Henson and M.D. Rugg. Effects of stimulus repetition on latency of BOLD impulse response. In NeuroImage, volume 13, pages 683, 2001. [PDF] [bibtex-entry]
- R.N.A. Henson, J. Andersson, and K.J. Friston. Multivariate SPM: Application to basis function characterisations of event-related fMRI responses. In NeuroImage, volume 11, pages 468, 2000. [PDF] Keyword(s): fMRI, event-related, multivariate. [bibtex-entry]
- R.N.A. Henson, C. Buchel, O. Josephs, and K.J. Friston. The slice-timing problem in event-related fMRI. In NeuroImage, volume 9, pages 125, 1999. [PDF] Keyword(s): fMRI. [bibtex-entry]
- A.P. Holmes and K.J. Friston. Generalisability, Random Effects and Population Inference. In NeuroImage, volume 7, pages S754, 1998. [PDF] Keyword(s): group, RFX. [bibtex-entry]
- J. Ashburner, J. Haslam, C. Taylor, V. J. Cunningham, and T. Jones. A Cluster Analysis Approach for the Characterization of Dynamic PET Data. In R. Myers, V. Cunningham, B. Dale, and T. Jones, editors, Quantification of Brain Function Using PET, pages 301-306, 1996. London, Academic Press. Keyword(s): clustering, PET. [bibtex-entry]
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