Publications of T.E. Nichols
Books and proceedings
- K.J. Friston, J. Ashburner, S.J. Kiebel, T.E. Nichols, and W.D. Penny, editors. Statistical Parametric Mapping: The Analysis of Functional Brain Images. Academic Press, 2007. [WWW] Keyword(s): introduction. [bibtex-entry]
Articles in journal, book chapters
- T.E. Nichols, M. Brett, J. Andersson, T. Wager, and J.B. Poline. Valid conjunction inference with the minimum statistic. NeuroImage, 25:653-660, 2005. [PDF] Keyword(s): conjunction. [bibtex-entry]
- D. Pantazis, T.E. Nichols, S. Baillet, and R.M. Leahy. A comparison of random field theory and permutation methods for the statistical analysis of MEG data.. NeuroImage, 25:383-394, 2005. [PDF] Keyword(s): RFT, MEG, nonparametric. [bibtex-entry]
- S. Hayasaka and T.E. Nichols. Combining voxel intensity and cluster extent with permutation test framework. NeuroImage, 23:54-63, 2004. [PDF] Keyword(s): nonparametric, cluster. [bibtex-entry]
- S. Hayasaka, K.L. Phan, I. Liberzon, K.J. Worsley, and T.E. Nichols. Non-Stationary Cluster Size Inference with Random Field and Permutation Methods. NeuroImage, 22:676-687, 2004. [PDF] Keyword(s): Cluster, RFT, nonparametric. [bibtex-entry]
- S. Hayasaka and T.E. Nichols. Validating cluster size inference: random field and permutation methods. NeuroImage, 20:2343-2356, 2003. [PDF] Keyword(s): Cluster, RFT, nonparametric. [bibtex-entry]
- W.L. Luo and T.E. Nichols. Diagnosis and Exploration of Massively Univariate Neuroimaging Models. NeuroImage, 19:1014-1032, 2003. [PDF] Keyword(s): GLM. [bibtex-entry]
- T.E. Nichols and S. Hayasaka. Controlling the Familywise Error Rate in Functional Neuroimaging: A Comparative Review. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 12:419-446, 2003. [PDF] Keyword(s): RFT, nonparametric. [bibtex-entry]
- T.D. Wager and T.E. Nichols. Optimization of Experimental Design in fMRI: A General Framework Using a Genetic Algorithm. NeuroImage, 18:293-209, 2003. [PDF] Keyword(s): design. [bibtex-entry]
- T.E. Nichols and A.P. Holmes. Nonparametric approaches. In R.S.J. Frackowiak, K.J. Friston, C. Frith, R. Dolan, K.J. Friston, C.J. Price, S. Zeki, J. Ashburner, and W.D. Penny, editors, Human Brain Function. Academic Press, 2nd edition, 2003. [PDF] Keyword(s): nonparametric, RFT, group. [bibtex-entry]
- C.R. Genovese, N. Lazar, and T.E. Nichols. Thresholding of Statistical Maps in Functional Neuroimaging Using the False Discovery Rate. NeuroImage, pp 870-878, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): FDR. [bibtex-entry]
- T.E. Nichols and A.P. Holmes. Nonparametric Permutation Tests for Functional Neuroimaging: A Primer with Examples. Human Brain Mapping, 15:1-25, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): nonparametric. [bibtex-entry]
- T.E. Nichols, J. Qi, A. Asma, and R.L. Leahy. Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of List Mode PET Data. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 21:396-404, 2002. [PDF] Keyword(s): PET. [bibtex-entry]
- K.M. Petersson, T.E. Nichols, J.B. Poline, and A.P. Holmes. Statistical limitations in functional neuroimaging I. Non-inferential methods and statistical models. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London B, 354:1239-1260, 1999. [PDF] Keyword(s): introduction. [bibtex-entry]
- K.M. Petersson, T.E. Nichols, J.B. Poline, and A.P. Holmes. Statistical limitations in functional neuroimaging II. Signal detection and statistical inference. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London B, 354:1261-1281, 1999. [PDF] Keyword(s): introduction. [bibtex-entry]
Conference articles
- C. Maumet, T.E. Nichols, N. Nichols, G. Flandin, J. Turner, K.G. Helmer, J. Steffener, J.B. Poline, S. Ghosh, and D. Keator. Extending NI-DM to share the results and provenance of a neuroimaging study: an example with SPM. In 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014. [bibtex-entry]
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