Release Process via GitHub Actions¶
What are GitHub Actions?
GitHub Actions is a service on GitHub that is free for public repositories. It provides runners with different OS’s (Windows, MacOS, Linux) that can perform automated tasks.
Creating a new tag on the SPM repository triggers the release process. The release description has to be added manually.
The release process
- bakes the version information into SPM
- releases SPM as a ZIP file
- creates standalone versions for the different OSes
- releases docker and singularity containers
The process is controlled via the GitHub actions files release.yml, build-docker.yml and build-singularity.yml.
Triggering the release¶
Creating and pushing a tag on a commit triggers the release process. Only tags that conform to the versioning guidelines will trigger a new build, for example 25.01.
This can also be done by creating a new release on the GitHub webpage, selecting the corresponding branch as target and instead of choosing a tag, creating a new one.
Setting the version in SPM¶
The release process automatically sets the version to the one given by the tag and the current date. The version in SPM is controlled by line 2 in the file Contents.m, which is the development version in the GitHub repository.
SPM release¶
The main SPM release is available as e.g. on the release page on github. It is basically identical to the files on GitHub with only the version number adjusted. Please note, that downloading the source code on the release tab instead would give the same SPM files, but without the version information.
SPM standalone¶
The SPM standalone is built with the newest matlab release on four different OS configurations: Windows, Linux, MacOS (Intel) and MacOS (Apple Silicon). The standalone ZIP contains an installer for the required Matlab Runtime, downloading a smaller Matlab Runtime version tailored to running SPM.
The SPM containers build-action is automatically triggerend after the release process finishes. It builds one docker container with the SPM standalone and the Matlab Runtime and a second container with SPM using GNU Octave. In addition, both docker containers are transformed into singularity containers and released as well. They can be accessed on the GitHub Container Registry. All the containers can be used without a Matlab License.