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Simulation of OPM lead fields

MNI Space

If you want to simulate MEG data you need to supply sensor positions and orientations which should be in the same coordinate space as some brain image. If you don’t not have a brain image or sensor positions(and orientations) you can simulate data on an average template brain with automatically generated positions of fixed spacing using spm_opm_sim. The following code snippet automatically generates sensors in this average space that are a fixed space apart. In this case the spacing is 15mm.

S =[]; = 15;  
D = spm_opm_sim(S);  
Once you run this code you will generate a figure like this.

Whole-Head MNI space

For some simulations you may want the entire scalp surface to be covered. In this case you just need to set the wholehead flag to 1.

S =[]; = 15;
D = spm_opm_sim(S);
Running this code snippet should generate a figure like this.